The Development of a Digital Management Platform and App for ABA Therapists

• Program: Erasmus Plus
• Action Type: KA220-VET – Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training
• Contract number: 2021-1-RO01-KA220-VET-000034611
• Implementation period: 01.02.2022 – 31.01.2024

The project’s aim

Autism is a spectrum disorder – meaning it has many forms that affect people in a variety of ways and in varying degrees. Each person’s experience with autism presents unique challenges, as well as strengths, which define the type of support needed to lead a fulfilling life.

The project aims to streamline the activity of ABA therapists by developing digital innovative tools and improving training and therapy methods. The development of the innovative digital tools will help the management process of ABA specialists. As a tangential result the implementation of the project will facilitate and speed the therapy process of autistic children. Contributing to innovation in vocational education and training and improving quality assurance in VET.

Key objectives

  • Improve activity management by using digital devices: activity management for ABA specialists, better communication with the parents/tutors of autistic children, increase quality of therapeutic process.

  • Continuous learning by participating in trainings and/or workshops.

  • Experience exchange by working alongside professionals from other environments

  • Better communication with the parents/tutors of autistic children and real time feedback – this will be done by developing a facility to the digital devices, that will allow parents to upload videos of the child during everyday activities and for the therapists to give feedback and advice to the parents.